"Fourways Chiropractic For the Whole Family"
In the information below you will be able to find the contact details of ChiroClinic based in the heart of Fourways near Montecasino in Johannesburg. You'll find a easy to use Google map for directions when driving, a Google streetview picture of the Longpoint building, our physical address and the clinic telephone number for making a Chiropractic appointment.
Please note the clinic has moved premesis. The new treatment rooms are 8 minutes away in Bryanston near The DiData Campus.
Bryanston Chiropractic and Sports Injury Clinic
Cnr Main Road & Culross Roads
South Africa
Chiropractic appointment times available:
Monday to Friday: 8am to 6pm | Saturdays: 9am to 1pm
Clinic Tel: ☎ (074) 159 4040
*Kindly Note Saturday new patient appointments are to be made on the day. Unfortunately this is because so many people forget their appointment time on a weekend if booked in advance. We are open so if you are a new patient please call on the day to see one of the chiropractors on duty.
3rd Floor, Longpoint Building
Corner Witkoppen Rd & Montecasino Blvd
Near City Lodge Fourways, Opposite Montecasino
South Africa
Fly To The Business Address in Google Earth.
New to Joburg and using a GPS unit like TomTom or Garmin in your car to find your directions? Below are the ChiroClinic Fourways GPS co-ordinates
-26° 1' 29.19", +28° 1' 2.00"