"Fourways Chiropractic For the Whole Family"

Chiropractor Fourways Sandton Johannesburg

Sports Injury Clinic

soccer ball

We are told to exercise regularly in order to keep healthy. But what if a minor or a major injury is stopping you doing what you want to do. From the professional sports person to the weekend warrior or occasional gym user, muscle and joint injuries are likely to occur. These can range from mild strains to the career ending injury. So where do you go for treatment to prevent injuries from occurring? You could give your local chiropractor a visit.

Problems with Performance?

Injury is not the only problem sport chiropractors help the serious amateur or professional sportsman or woman. Many people find that they reach the threshold of their ability and cannot improve no matter how hard or how much time the train. So this is where serious sportsmen and woman are consulting their chiropractor to look in to how to get everything working better so improving both function and health. You may not have an actual ache or pain, but still a chiropractor can test and see if you have a undetected joint, muscle or nerve dysfunction hampering you.

Let us look at an example. A runner may have taken hundred of strides then one day pulls their hamstring for no apparent reason. It may not be that they didn't warm-up properly, but more of an underlying, undetected dysfunction finally surfacing. If to say their joints were becoming dysfunctional from the repetitive stress then the nerves would become stimulated to tighten muscles to act as protection from further stress or injury. Also the nerve signal may be 'weakened' functionally to the hamstring from this joint dysfunction. This may cause the muscle contraction not be timed with the other leg muscle groups resulting in a strain.

Your chiropractor could help to identify these underlying joint-nerve-muscle dysfunctions through a chiropractic examination. As soon as the dysfunctions are detected then the road to recovery or prevention of sport injuries becomes quicker and easier.

Injury Prevention Tips

To try prevent injury having proper technique of the sport you do will lower the risk. Preparing your body for the exercise will also lower the risk. This involves 'warming-up' the sport specific muscles. So many times all that is done is static stretching where a muscle is lengthened for a period of time and then you want to exert it. Best would be to leave the static stretching till after the event and focus on do sport specific warming up.

  • If you run in the sport do some light jogging for 5-10 min before,
  • Cyclist can jump on a stationary bike before a race,
  • Throwing sports require the action without the ball then the ball,
  • Golf take two clubs handles together in your swing stance and slowly work like a pendulum building the swing forwards and back ending in a full swing eventually.

Chronic Sport Injury

Repeated stresses may lead to slight loss of proper functional movement in the bones of your spine, pelvis or legs and arms. This in turn interferes with the relationship your muscles and nerves have and so they then become affected. You may have just ignored the niggles or pain and carried on with your sport for too long only to now find yourself stuck with a chronic injury.

Your chiropractor can not only deal with acute injuries but these long ongoing ones too. Chiropractors can see patients with :

Dr Gary Kirwan, has a special interest in sports injuries. If you have any further questions, feel free to email drgary[AT]chiroclinic[DOT]co[DOT]za

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